Saturday, 7 May 2016

Digital Paint: Paintball 2

I have yet to do so, but some day I'd like to try a match of paintball. In the meaintime Digital Paint: Paintball 2 should be a decent replacement. It's a fast-paced FPS with team-objectives, focus on maneuvring and short-range projectiles. It's also one shot and you're out, so matches are close-up and intensive. Digital Paint: Paintball 2 has been in development a long time and has received lots of content and features over the years, so it's a very complete game. Last time I tried it, which was a few years ago, it didn't look very good. But it played really well, and there was indeed a nice arcade-ish feeling in the matches. It's a small download, well worth it for the curious.

Take your paintball-marker in hand and get that opposing team!

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